Light up your Omnichannel business!

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Products that power omnichannel

Revenue maximized for linear, addressable, Digital, OTT, Mobile and more.

BIAnalytix Planner™

Optimize omnichannel campaigns
with guaranteed delivery  flip card for more...

Deep Dive

BIAnalytix Planner™ maximizes ad revenue opportunities by optimizing omnichannel campaigns and proposals across all advertising platforms through maximum inventory utility, precision pricing, and enhanced audience use. It assures that business can be booked and delivered according to the guarantee.

BIAnalytix Inventory™

Maximize inventory monetization
for efficient yield management  flip card for more...

Deep Dive

BIAnalytix Inventory™ maximizes the value of audiences and advertising opportunities by aggregating inventory across all delivery platforms to enable allocation decisions and inventory optimization. It resolves questions of how much inventory is available to sell? And, what is the best way to monetize all inventory?

BIAnalytix Rate Card™

Advanced dynamic pricing
across all delivery platforms  flip card for more...

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BIAnalytix Rate Card™ maximizes an organization's omnichannel revenue opportunities automatically. Using a dedicated machine learning engine, it automatically generates omnichannel rate cards based on sales demand pressure, seasonality, and inventory availability that compliments classic rate management strategies.

BIAnalytix Platform™

Enable omnichannel workflows
with AI for Media™  flip card for more...

Deep Dive

BIAnalytix Platform™ is a unique data-driven technology that instruments, measures and displays the performance of the entire media enterprise. It enables accurate valuations of advertising and content inventories, enhancing the use of audience capacities while optimizing campaigns across all platforms to maximize revenues with machine intelligence.

BIAnalytix Billing™

Consolidated client billing
for a single accurate invoice  flip card for more...

Deep Dive

BIAnalytix Billing™ streamlines media billing operations by creating a single verifiable invoice from all transactional sales systems, generating accurate postings to financial systems for all advertising business, and delivering a self-service portal for clients to view their invoices on-line.

Solutions that maximize media revenue

Solving the most intricate omnichannel challenges

Integrated CRM tool with data warehouse information


A client needed to integrate consolidated corporate information to provide order, budget and invoice information to their CRM system.  flip card for solution

Integrated CRM tool with data warehouse information


Decentrix provided a detailed granular integration with the client's CRM system, providing aggregated sales, budget, and invoice information. As a result, the client now has a sales reporting platform that is consistent with all contributing workflow systems, and uses this capability to drive CRM performance reporting. BIAnalytix Planner

Employing marketing spot information against traffic verified


Challenged with disparate sources of information, one containing marketing spot data and another with spot verification information, a client needed to analyze viewership associated with verified spots.  flip card for solution

Employing marketing spot information against traffic verified spots


Decentrix determined the necessary logic required to tie the two datasets together and produce a framework for interactive investigation and analytics. As a result, comparison of verified aired spots with marketing data enables specific demographic viewership to be determined. BIAnalytix Planner

Using near real-time traffic data to determine unsold avail periods


The discovery of spot information changing too quickly to use the nightly unsold avail information led a client to seek ways of decreasing the refresh timeframes for unsold spot avail periods.  flip card for solution

Using near real-time traffic data to determine unsold avail periods


Decentrix reduced the consolidated avail positions from 18+ traffic systems to a 30-minute cycle compared to the previous 24-hour refresh providing near real-time avail information. This has led to more accurate orders and support of better decisions for sales activities internally and for partners. BIAnalytix Planner

Data extraction from Eclipse traffic and billing instead of EDA


Frustrated by speed, timing lags, insufficient detail, data integrity and cost of the traffic vendor's reporting solution, a client sought a more efficient way of consolidating their data for robust reporting.  flip card for solution

Data extraction from Eclipse traffic and billing instead of EDA


Decentrix developed a fast-extract capability from the traffic system to enable data to be loaded into a facility that enabled rich reporting without timing issues on a high-frequency basis without impacting the performance of the operational system. The client was able to save significant costs related to unnecessary licensing, support and IT infrastructure without attendant data synchronization and integrity issues. BIAnalytix Planner

A campaign planning tool with omnichannel optimization


The complexities of omnichannel advertising sales challenged a client's account executives to construct deals in a manner that minimized inventory waste across all delivery platforms, delivered on the contracted guarantees, and without sales channel and operational conflict.  flip card for solution

A campaign planning tool with omnichannel optimization


BIAnalytix Planner™ was deployed enabling the precise planning and delivery of household targeted addressable advertising.  It was delivered as a service, on time with a fixed budget.  BIAnalytix Planner™ has delivered double-digit inventory efficiency with corresponding revenue lifts. The success of this transformation is being extended to support the operator’s remaining linear and non-linear advertising inventories. BIAnalytix Planner

Political and Q4 delivery challenges


Being the busiest time of year a client has to combat the stewardship challenges that lead to under delivery during the political and fourth quarter holiday seasons for their addressable advertising business.  flip card for solution

Political and Q4 delivery challenges


BIAnalytix Planner™ was used to help pricing and planning understand what business could confidently be executed and justify higher CPMs to guarantee delivery. BIAnalytix Planner™ helped the client deliver double-digit revenue increases by utilizing their addressable inventory better leading to a reduction in carry forward liability and higher CPMs. BIAnalytix Planner

Using external sales data to optimize sales opportunities


A client did not know how to integrate external industry ad sales competitive data with their in-house data to evaluate the effectiveness of internal inventory utilization.  flip card for solution

Using external sales data to optimize sales opportunities


Decentrix integrated external ad sales data into the client’s data warehouse, mapping external and internal advertisers together for a comparison. As a result, the organization can now identify sales opportunities by targeting advertisers with high television ad spending that may not be currently doing business. This enables inventory management and sales to shift media spending across different media types and allocate inventories accordingly. BIAnalytix Inventory

A flexible inventory forecasting tool


The need to view inventory across all syscodes, networks, and dayparts by day and identify unsold and undersold inventory by both priority and household CPMs, for both local and interconnect inventory was an essential inventory management function required by the client.  flip card for solution

A flexible inventory forecasting tool


Decentrix developed a repository of future linear inventory, aggregated from all incumbent traffic and billing systems. All corresponding spots with their associated CPM and priority were enabled for selection by priority, HH CPM, and demographic.  This has resulted in increased awareness of inventory valuations and usage across audiences. BIAnalytix Inventory

Enabling third party vendors to sell excess ad inventory


A client had unsold inventory that was being used for ultra low-margin direct response advertising and needed to surface these opportunities to third party vendors.  flip card for solution

Enabling third party vendors to sell excess ad inventory


Decentrix worked with the client to identify hard-to-sell inventory and developed mechanisms to operationalize the surfacing of that inventory to third party vendors. These vendors were then able to sell that carved inventory at better rates to a larger and more diverse client base.  The company has increased its advertising revenue and has focused its internal sales on only high-value opportunities. BIAnalytix Inventory

Using omnichannel sales demand to optimize inventory allocations


A client needed the ability to determine the optimal amount of advertising inventory by platform to allocate for omnichannel sales.  flip card for solution

Using omnichannel sales demand to optimize inventory allocations


The client implemented BIAnalytix Inventory™ to aggregate the operator’s advertising inventory across all available platforms. Inventory demands and pressures are now being measured continuously enabling inventory allocations to be optimized in real-time in support of contracted delivery guarantees across all platforms enabling inventory allocations to align with demand forecasts. BIAnalytix Inventory

Marketing spot data to increase accuracy of advertising spots


The implementation of marketing spots to enable measurements of viewership across a client's market, led to a realization that there was no capability to store, analyze, and leverage the resultant viewership information.  flip card for solution

Marketing spot data to increase accuracy of advertising spots


Decentrix worked with the client to consume large scale marketing datasets which enabled subsequent analytics against various subscriber demographic attributes. This provides metrics in support of sales pricing and practices.

BIAnalytix Rate Card

Automatic inventory pricing export across all sales channels


An omnichannel client wanted to unify the pricing sent to all internal and external sales channels (i.e. local, rep, agency, buying platforms), to ensure that all sales channels were working from the same set of pricing values.  flip card for solution

Marketing spot data to increase accuracy of advertising spots


The client implemented BIAnalytix Inventory™ and created a uniform inventory pricing methodology that could be delivered to all internal and external buying systems.  This has resulted in a formal foundation for all future sales models, from a pricing and planning perspective.  The client now has the ability to implement programmatic audience based sales. BIAnalytix Rate Card

Integrating digital system data in to linear data warehouse


With disparate systems for linear traffic ads and digital ads, the client had difficulty managing and valuating cross-platform selling opportunities.  flip card for solution

Integrating digital system data in to linear data warehouse


Decentrix integrated separately sourced digital data into an existing data warehouse for combined reporting and analysis allowing for deeper insight into web and mobile advertising campaigns.  Valuation of cross-platform products has allowed sales teams to optimize pricing for linear and digital bundles. The solution also has allowed for consistent corporate reporting and tracking across platforms. BIAnalytix Rate Card

Using audience profiling to target content and advertising


A highly respected business-to-business media and information company with hundreds of profit centers was challenged in understanding how audiences interact with their portal. This was necessary in order to target both web content, as well as advertiser opportunities with targeted segments and subscribers.  flip card for solution

Using audience profiling to target content and advertising


Decentrix developed a marketing audience database that contained both demographic data and calculated behavioral attributes that are used for targeted campaigns, dynamic pricing and content delivery. It has become the centerpiece of the company’s on-line marketing strategy. BIAnalytix Rate Card

Leveraging video-on-demand data to enhance advertising sales


A client with a large dataset of free and paid video-on-demand (VOD) services had no way of quantifying and evaluating content viewership trends by demographic.  flip card for solution

Leveraging video-on-demand data to enhance advertising sales


Decentrix worked with the client to build a capability to analyze VOD data captured by set top boxes to determine accurate viewership of VOD content assets across various markets. This information can now be analyzed against various subscriber demographic attributes for better content usage metrics which also supports the enhancement of ad sales and user experience. BIAnalytix Content

Marketing spot data used for locational accuracy of ad delivery​


The discovery that some content was being transmitted to incorrect subscribers because of the incorrect routing connections of node maps led a client to search for an accurate automated solution.  flip card for solution

Marketing spot data used for locational accuracy of ad delivery​


Decentrix developed a daily load of transmitted marketing spots and cross-referenced them with network routing, identifying incorrect transmission destinations. Using this algorithm and process, the client was able to operationalize the correction of physical engineering errors causing spot content to be delivered to the wrong destination.  The client now manages this process with no help needed from Decentrix. BIAnalytix Content

A centralized content library for cross-platform use


After a period of rapid growth including acquisitions and mergers, a client faced the task of unifying its different media libraries, meta-data and processes to create a unified data store that could provide that data in near real time to all content distribution points within the enterprise as well as support an external service  flip card for solution

A centralized content library for cross-platform use


Decentrix unified the data structures with interfaces that enabled metadata to be accessed by any authorized system in near real time.  Since its release the unified structure and its API have experienced 1000% usage growth. Multiple internal systems and external partners now rely on the API for primary data retrieval. BIAnalytix Content

Production company automates title revenue reporting capabilities


Client housed proposal data in one system and traffic system data in another. Both were needed to view advertising metrics and associated costs by selling title. The client needed the ability to view DR data with national data. All reporting and analysis was being done manually using spreadsheets.  flip card for solution

Production company automates title revenue reporting capabilities


Decentrix loaded both proposal and traffic data into a unified warehouse and consolidated all titles from across contributing systems. Once aggregated, Decentrix developed all required analytical reporting for both content and DR unit inventory, ensuring that data was consistently updated on a daily basis. Reporting with accurate and timely data is now being provided for reporting and analysis on a daily business cycle. BIAnalytix Content

Consolidated billing for linear and digital media platforms


A large geographic footprint and different divisional policies meant that each of the client's many linear and digital traffic systems were producing client invoices based on a non-aligned invoicing rules.  flip card for solution

Consolidated billing for linear and digital media platforms


Decentrix deployed technology and workflow processes that enabled consistent corporate business rules to create granular central billing system transactions. This enabled accurate, corporate-wide integrated digital and linear billing which supported detailed financial accounting adjustments. This technology is now integral to all of the client's financial workflows. BIAnalytix Billing

Automating DR campaign performance reports​


Producing weekly campaign performance reports was a highly manual, time intensive, and error-prone process for the client. The accuracy and accessibility of the data severely limited analysis opportunities for enhancing advertising revenue.  flip card for solution

Automating DR campaign performance reports​


Decentrix operationalized spot verification loading with audience data on a weekly basis. This allowed dynamic selection of audience demographics for analysis and reporting. Accordingly, campaign reports are now automated and accurate. During the development it was found that under billing was occurring and the correct data allowed the client to bill an additional $200,000 per month. BIAnalytix Billing

Unified month end close report system


Manual and disconnected reports with different business definitions were used to manually assemble month end close reports, leading to errors and missed deadlines.  flip card for solution

Unified month end close report system


Decentrix leveraged transactions from a consolidated data repository to develop an integrated and automated close folder system. The client is now able to produce consistent and accurate month end reports across regions in a timely manner, enabling auditable results and reporting ahead of schedule. This has freed up analysts to focus on valuable optimization opportunities instead of manual report creation.  BIAnalytix Billing

Enabling digital invoicing for media clients and integrating GL reporting


The implementation of a new digital traffic system, meant that a client faced many challenges producing accurate digital invoices which aligned accurately to the GL posting needs of the finance team.  flip card for solution

Enabling digital invoicing for media clients and integrating GL reporting


Decentrix installed BIAnalytix Billing™ during the digital traffic system installation to ensure that the most granular transactions were captured and aggregated for GL reporting and invoicing.  Not only did this enable digital invoicing and accurate GL reporting, the client now has a workflow enabling accurate billing with sophisticated analytics providing detailed digital reporting for finance.  BIAnalytix Billing

Aligning linear corporate codes to a digital operational system


A client needed the ability to report on digital and linear revenue across common business attributes and codes that spanned linear as well as digital traffic systems. The challenge being that commonly used standard codes resided in the main linear traffic system while the digital traffic system needed to have these codes correctly inserted and updated to maintain synchronization.  flip card for solution

Aligning linear corporate codes to a digital operational system


The Decentrix solution synchronized the two systems with the insertion of new records as well as updating existing records.  The client is now able to use the digital source system for digital orders, unimpeded by manual financial workflows, as codes are continually synchronized with the linear traffic system. This enables all revenue, to be reported, compared and analyzed with common codes and attributes. BIAnalytix Billing

Accurate digital invoices and cross platform financial analysis


As a client commenced implementation of their new digital traffic system, it became apparent that there was no mechanism to produce digital invoices and there was no mechanism for integrated financial reporting across platforms. Manual digital order summaries were sometimes inaccurately entered into their linear traffic system to produce memo bills.  flip card for solution

Accurate digital invoices and cross platform financial analysis


Decentrix captured detailed billing transactions and posted them to an in-house billing system for final invoice creation. Adjustments were fed back to the analytics layer to provide accurate financial reporting and provide consolidated GL posting. The client can now produce digital invoices and accurately report their GL postings across both linear and digital ad sales. BIAnalytix Billing

Scaling existing data to leverage audience insights for new services


The client had grown through acquisitions, resulting in corporate data scattered across many different source systems which prevented basic business questions from being answered. They were also blocked from carrying out complex analytics.  flip card for solution

Scaling existing data to leverage audience insights for new services


Decentrix augmented an existing data warehouse leveraging Decentrix IP without a total redesign resulting in aggregated and normalized data sourced across the enterprise from many geographically dispersed source systems with an SLA providing service to over 5,000 sales and finance users of more than 80,000 reports monthly. BIAnalytix Platform

Integrating CRM data into analytics for sales performance


A client required the ability to track the sales cycle from leads through to recognized revenue while surfacing complex reporting through a central reporting repository.  flip card for solution

Integrating CRM data into analytics for sales performance


Decentrix extracted key CRM data, integrating it with proposal and order information to create integrated and interactive reports.  The client can now track the status of leads, proposals, and orders by AE and clients with consolidated reporting. BIAnalytix Platform

Implementing new presentation technology for interconnect analysis


Increased analysis requirements on complicated interconnect metrics were stretching the capabilities of existing reporting technology, resulting in decision-making delays that translated into higher opportunity costs.  flip card for solution

Implementing new presentation technology for interconnect analysis


Decentrix leveraged new tabular cube technology to deliver the increased performance and flexibility required for the analysis of interconnect-wide, fully paced order line level detail analysis and reporting.  The solution enabled reports to be generated with unprecedented speed and with high levels of detail saving analysts hundreds of hours each year.  BIAnalytix Platform

Aggregating disparate nationwide reporting


The company had several regions across the US, each of which used their own traffic reporting systems, their own business practices, and their own definitions of business data.  flip card for solution

Aggregating disparate nationwide reporting


Decentrix provided an integrated data repository with flexible AI-enabled master data management.  The solution extracted data from each source system and loaded it nightly into a standardized data model for centralized reporting and analysis.  The organization was able to harmonize business reporting definitions and replace ad hoc and error-prone manual reporting with a consistent set of standards containing valuable new metrics. BIAnalytix Platform

Using ad server logs to predict audience attrition


The client tasked Decentrix with performing data analysis of third party ad server logs to glean information with regard to the effect of ad load on non-linear content viewership.  flip card for solution

Using ad server logs to predict audience attrition


Decentrix leveraged both traditional data mining platforms and new descriptive analysis of the data to develop AI-powered predictive models of viewer attrition rates. Decentrix was able to highlight data where improved collection quality could improve prediction accuracy.  Additionally, Decentrix identified how dynamic and viewer-targeted placement could significantly increase the revenue potential of content ads. BIAnalytix Platform

Radio broadcaster merges revenue analysis with TV division


A large major-market broadcaster was seeking tools to help sellers evaluate advertiser spending across both their TV and Radio properties. The challenge was to consolidate and normalize their data currently housed in separate databases.  flip card for solution

Radio broadcaster merges revenue analysis with TV division


Decentrix implemented their BIAnalytix Platform™ to provide an omnichannel consolidated view of inventory and revenue information across both television and radio.  This enabled access to key metrics across media groups interactively, accurately and with immediacy, providing the single source of truth for the enterprise KPIs.  BIAnalytix Platform

Clients that lead in omnichannel delivery

comcast xandr verizon hearst
nyconnect att viacom cbs
charter dish hallmark cbsradio
altice ae pennWell foxTv

We provide products and solutions
that maximize revenue outcomes

Videos crafted to inspire

E-Books and Infographics to educate

Blogs to spark imagination

Do consortiums really work?
Published by BIAnalytix Team

 click to read article

Cross-Media is Real
Published by BIAnalytix Team

 click to read article

Driving Ad Revenue with AI
Published by BIAnalytix Team

 click to read article

What we do, and who we are

About Decentrix

Decentrix is a globally focused data technology company that has developed solutions which maximize advertising and content revenues across all media distribution platforms for Brand Advertisers, Telecommunications and Media and Entertainment companies.

Decentrix’s patent pending AI forMedia™ technology, powers our solutions for omnichannel planning, inventory optimization, rate card maximization, FrictionlessTrading™, content ROI analytics and consolidated billing to maximize revenue opportunities with transformative intelligence. This uniquely focused capability builds on our deep industry experience and results in substantially enhanced revenue outcomes across entire portfolios of our client’s businesses including traditional linear, digital, addressable, and mobile media.

The BIAnalytix™ product platform is currently deployed in many top-tier media and telco enterprises powering their daily operations. All BIAnalytix™ products are mobile-enabled, powering enterprise teams with critical, timely, and profitable decisions that maximize advertising and content revenues in a rapidly changing marketplace.

Recognizing our deep experience in both linear and digital media, Decentrix’s clients uniquely position us as the trusted "Partner of Choice" for delivering their world-class, enterprise wide, omnichannel solutions.

Leadership with deep industry knowledge

Founder, Chairman and CEO

wayne ruting  flip card for bio


Wayne founded Decentrix in 2001 with a team of people with extensive experience in the linear and digital media world. The goal was to build an analytics centric company focused on the most challenging problems the media industry was facing with new emerging technologies and platforms.
Wayne has previously been founder and CEO of a number of software companies over a period of some 40 years. These businesses have provided solutions to Fortune 500 companies in the Media, Advertising, Entertainment and Telecommunications Industries in over 40 countries around the world.
Prior to founding Decentrix he was Chairman of Clickthings, an innovative Internet software development company based in New York. Coincident with that time he was also Vice-Chairman and CEO of Columbine JDS, which he grew to be one of the largest global providers of computer solutions to the broadcasting and advertising marketplaces, and he was an investor in Encoda prior to it being sold to Harris. In a prior business, he also had built the largest media software business serving the Asia/Pacific rim.
With and extensive background in astronomical research, communications engineering and process control systems he holds a B.Sc. (Physics), B.E. (Hons 1) and M.E. Electrical Engineering and CPU Design, University of New South Wales.


taras bugir  flip card for bio


As President of Decentrix, Taras works with the Fortune 500 Media companies to enable their data-driven approaches to business leveraging the Decentrix BIAnalytixTM media-specific Analytics Platform. He has daily oversight on all aspects of development, deployment and support of the total Decentrix product line.
Taras has worked internationally in 26 countries across five continents for more than thirty years in the media industry spanning both business and technical requirements across content and advertising. Formerly Worldwide Managing Director of Media & Cable at Microsoft, Taras developed and executed enterprise strategies with the top 300 media companies across the globe.
His senior executive experience has evolved from hands-on customer engagements while at Oracle, Sun Microsystems, Harris Software Systems, Lintas Worldwide and Digital Equipment Corp. Taras has also owned, co-owned and managed several businesses focused on providing software, events, research and publications in media technology.
He has authored four patents on content management, and holds both a B.E. (hons) and a M.E. in Computer Engineering from the University of Newcastle in Australia.

SVP, Enterprise Sales

ken breen  flip card for bio


Ken is SVP, Enterprise Sales, for Decentrix and is responsible for all new business sales opportunities across the Decentrix product platform. Ken joined Decentrix in 2014. He has been a sales professional in the media industry for 30 years, having spent over 20 years in the advertising technology sales space primarily targeting the media ad agency and TV network sales sides of the business.
Prior to joining Decentrix, Ken spent 19 years heading up sales as SVP Sales for Donovan Data Systems and post-merger with Mediabank, Mediaocean. Prior to that he was a Sales Account Executive at the NBC television network in New York, and previously held various national broadcast & cable media buying positions at BBDO, Y&R and Saatchi & Saatchi advertising.
Ken graduated from Penn State University with a BA in TV Production & Speech Communications. He is a lifelong resident of New Jersey.

EVP, Chief Administrative Officer

nancy pennica  flip card for bio


As one of the original Decentrix founding team, Nancy is a senior executive with over 35 years of Media technology experience with oversight for a broad range of administrative, human capital, and legal responsibilities.
As CAO, she oversees all admin related activities for the entire organization as well as high level consulting engagement oversight for statements of work, NDAs, MSAs and corporate contracts of any type. She provides strategic leadership for all major corporate and new business initiatives and serves as the Human Resource EVP. 
Prior to joining Decentrix she was Executive Vice President of Sales for Columbine JDS, one of the largest global providers of software and service solutions for the broadcasting, cable and advertising marketplaces. At the predecessor company Columbine Systems, she had fulfilled roles including programming, management of project development teams, and managing the total support and service organization.
Nancy holds a B.S. Degree from Buffalo State University.

SVP Analytics, Chief Architect

michael ledwich  flip card for bio


Michael is the SVP Analytics, Chief Architect, with oversight of the product design, development and delivery of advanced media analysis systems for Decentrix’s clients. He joined Decentrix in 2006. A key focus has been on revenue forecasting and maximization (yield optimization) across all digital and linear platforms and the enterprise data warehouse and analysis architecture necessary to support those strategic solutions.
With an extensive development background in the media industry spanning more than 35 years he has designed application solutions for media and ad agencies in Australasia, Asia, Europe, North and South American. These solutions extend across ad trafficking, proposal systems, campaign management, media buying, production costing and financials systems as well as advanced analytics solutions.
Prior to joining Decentrix Michael was Manager Consulting for Harris Corporation and the predecessor companies of Encoda, CJDS and Columbine Systems.
Michael is author of number of white papers and patent filings and he holds a PhD in Control Engineering, Cambridge; B.E. Engineering (Control); B.S. in (Mathematics).

SVP, Product & Strategy

matt ferris  flip card for bio


Matt Ferris joined Decentrix in 2007 and currently is the SVP of Product & Strategy, overseeing the teams responsible for all aspects of the BIAnalytix™ product portfolio, encompassing activities from design to implementation.
With a tenured background in the advertising industry spanning 15 years, he has designed and implemented marketing and advertising solutions, solving a diverse range of business problems covering campaign targeting, attribution/ROI, campaign planning, inventory management, and pricing.
Prior to joining Decentrix Matt was involved in marketing technology in the resort and hospitality industry and the development of revenue optimization solutions.

Let us help maximize your revenue


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